The sooner children begin receiving routine dental checkups the healthier their mouths will endure throughout their lives. Early checkups can prevent dental caries and tooth decay that can be painful, cause trouble concentrating and lead to other medical issues. Children with healthy teeth will be able to chew properly, smile with confidence, and learn to speak clearly.
Every child should be visiting a pediatric dentist by the age of one states the American Academy of Pediatrics and The American Dental Association. The child can be taken to the pediatric dentist even earlier when the first tooth appears. This visit can educate parents and caregivers on how to care for children’s teeth to help them remain free from cavities.
Kids dentists are coming across many patients that have developed cavities because they have been allowed to fall asleep with a bottle of milk or juice. These professionals can provide information to the parent or caregiver about the following:
The kid’s dentist will also be encouraging mothers to stop OnDemand nighttime breastfeeding after the child’s first tooth has erupted.
One of the most chronic conditions among children in the United States is tooth decay. The CDC has reported that over 40% of children have tooth decay before they reach kindergarten. The figures are even higher in Washington when nearly 60% of elementary school-age children suffer from dental decay that is entirely preventable.
Surprisingly as it may sound children can begin to develop cavities as soon as they have teeth. It is the reason why dentistry for children recommends regular checkups for kids in early childhood besides maintaining good dental hygiene habits which must be taught at home to ensure the kids stay healthy throughout their lives.
Dental checkups in the early stages can prevent tooth decay and dental pain but when parents pay attention to the needs of the child they will observe that children with healthy teeth are happier overall. They perform better in school and have higher self-esteem.
The first visit will help to reinforce the dental habits parents are teaching children at home while also helping the kid to develop a comfort level and be confident for future dental visits. During the child’s first visit the dentist will make sure the teeth and jaw are developing properly as they should. The dentist will also look for mouth injuries, cavities, and any other issues.
Parents can help their children prepare for the visit by explaining what can be expected and remaining positive. They should pay attention and help the child practice opening their mouth when the dentist will check their teeth. First-time patients can explain to the dental staff about their lack of knowledge if any about dental visits for children.
Many parents wait too long to schedule a dental visit for the young ones leading to negative consequences on the child’s dental and overall health. Despite being the most preventable condition tooth decay is a chronic condition among children in the United States. Good dental habits and regular checkups can help to prevent this dastardly condition which is affecting approximately 19.5% of the children between the ages of 2 to 5 that have untreated cavities.
The importance of maintaining the original baby teeth of the child until they are lost naturally should also be understood by parents. Children with healthy primary teeth generally find it easy to develop speech, chewing habits and retaining the nutrients they have. Pediatric dentists that notice cavities in a child’s mouth can provide fluoride and sealants to protect the teeth from further decay.
The dentist in Dorval is focusing on kids’ dental practice rooted in establishing healthy dental habits and developing patient-dentist relationships for children from an early age. Clinique Dentaire Dorval has dental equipment specially designed for kids and also encourages parents to accompany the kids to the treatment room.