Is the Dreaded Root Canal Treatment Essential to Save the Tooth

Is the Dreaded Root Canal Treatment Essential to Save the Tooth?

Jan 01, 2020

If you hate going to the dentist for any reason a root canal could strike you with panic. This is a dental procedure that is performed to remove the soft center of the tooth which is the pulp. The pulp comprises of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that help the tooth to grow.

In most cases, this endodontic treatment performed by an endodontist or general dentist under local anesthesia.

When Does a Root Canal Become Necessary?

When the soft inner part of the tooth becomes injured or infected a root canal becomes necessary.

The portion of the tooth visible above the gums which is the crown remains intact even when the pulp inside is dead. The structure of the tooth can be preserved only when the injured or infected pulp is removed. The most common causes for damage to the pulp may include:

  • Untreated cavities with deep decay.
  • Various dental procedures on the particular tooth.
  • Cracks or chips in the tooth.
  • An injury to the tooth where the pulp, has been damaged even when the tooth hasn’t cracked.

The damaged pulp can cause some symptoms including pain in the along with swelling and a sensation to temperatures. The dentist in Dorval will examine the painful tooth and also take x-rays before confirming the diagnosis. The dentist may also refer you for endodontic treatment if they believe a root canal is necessary.

How Is the Root Canal Treatment Provided?

A dental office performs the root canal and when you arrive for the root canal therapy you will be escorted to the treatment room and helped in the dentist’s chair. A bib will be placed around your neck to safeguard your clothes from stains.

The dentist will administer some numbing medication on the gums near the affected tooth and after it has taken effect a local anesthetic will be injected into the gums. You will feel a sharp sensation that will pass away quickly. You will be awake during the procedure with the anesthetic preventing you from feeling any pain.

After your tooth is numb the endodontist will make a tiny opening on the top of the tooth to expose the damaged pulp. It will be removed by the specialist carefully by using special tools known as files. They will be extra careful to clean the pathways in your tooth.

A topical antibiotic will be coated to the tooth after the pulp is removed to make sure the infection is eliminated and prevent reinfection. After cleaning and disinfecting the canals the dentist will fill and seal the tooth with a rubber-like material known as gutta-percha and also prescribe you oral antibiotics.

The temporary sealant will be used to full the tiny opening on the top of the tooth for preventing damage to the canals by your saliva.

Following up after Your Root Canal Therapy

As the numbing medication begins to wear off you will experience soreness in your gums and teeth. Some swelling may also be experienced. Most dentists will be asking you to treat the symptoms with the help of over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and ibuprofen but you can certainly call the dentist if you experience extreme pain that lasts for more than a few days.

You will be able to resume your normal activities the day after the procedure. You just need to avoid chewing with the damaged tooth until it has been filled permanently or a crown is placed over the top.

You may have questions in your mind before the procedure about whether the pain caused by root canals will be severe. However, after the procedure, you will be relieved that the treatment has relieved the pain from the root canal making you believe that the question of whether do root canals hurt is nothing but a story.

Within a few days after the procedure, you will be required to meet your dentist again. They will be obtaining x-rays to determine whether the infection has been eliminated. They will also replace the temporary filling with a permanent one. The dentist may also place a permanent crown on the tooth if you are okay with it. Crowns are similar to artificial teeth and are made from porcelain or gold. They have a realistic appearance to make you believe nothing ever happened in your mouth.

After a Successful Root, Canal Therapy What Happens

A root canal therapy is a restorative procedure and people who undergo the treatment can enjoy the positive results of the treatment for the rest of their lives. The way you take care of your teeth will determine how long the results last. As long as you brush and floss the restored tooth regularly you can confidently believe that you have overcome the problem you were facing painfully in a painless manner.

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